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Saturday, December 15, 2012

The most beautiful place in the world to be sick

In a country famous for its bad water supply and the all affecting Montezuma’s revenge, Lindsey and I knew that eventually some sort of illness or another would strike us during our time traveling Mexico.

We came to the sleepy and quiet town of Muzunte two days ago expecting to achieve nothing but a whole lot of lazing on the beautiful beaches, wasting some time staring out at the Pacific, perhaps reading some books and maybe throwing back a few margaritas. As it turns out we were fortunate that our ambitions were so low considering since arriving here two days ago, we have managed to only look out at the magnificent coast line from our hostel hammocks and to only imagine what it must be like to read a few pages of our books.

Starting from a cold we both contracted a few days ago in Oaxaca and being compounded by an awful six hour bus ride which took us up and down in elevation and round and around and around and around mountainous corners for the entire trip, we arrived in Mezunte feeling a lot worse off than before, our heads throbbing, our ears complaining of altitude change, our bodies sore with aches, and noses sore from over tissue use.

The view for our struggling bodies
I can not go on complaining of our ailments, as terrible as we do feel, as one could not hope to find themselves in a more picturesque and beautifully scenic place as we do. Whether you glance at it as you roll over in a bed-stricken state or catch a glimpse through hazy eyes as you chase the shade from hammock to hammock to escape the sweltering heat, we still find the energy to smile at the sea birds that glide over the rocky landscape, separating us from the deep blue Pacific ocean and to enjoy the cool sea breeze as it lifts itself from the coast below up to our place of protection and comfort.

Montezuma may have won the battle against our bodies, but in Mexico our spirits remain high!

(We'll write more about the precious city of Oaxaca when our minds are a bit clearer, but rest assured, we had an amazing time eating Oaxaca's delicacies and being surrounded by great art).

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